lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010

Teatro en inglés: "Robin Hood and his Merry Men"

Hemos ido al Teatro Calderón a ver una divertida obra en inglés. Nos hemos reído muchísimo y hemos practicado el vocabulario de nuestras clases. Previamente, nuestra teacher Belén nos preparó unas actividades sobre la obra.


Come and join us in Sherwood forest, Nottingham and meet Robin Hood and his Merry Men. There,s Little John, Friar tuck and of course the dandy entertainer will scarlet. Every story should have a romantic while King Richard was away from England fighting in the crusades the county of Nottongham was being run by the evil sheriff of Nottingham who taxed the people to line his own pockets, Robin Hood,s philosophy was of course to steal from the rich and give to the poor at some point Robin Hood and the sheriff of Nottingham were going to meet....

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